Memoir MoJo: Navigating the 10 Challenges of Writing the story of your life

Oh, the stories you could tell! As a successful entrepreneur, thought leader, or industry titan, you've undoubtedly accumulated a treasure trove of experiences worth sharing with the world. Writing a memoir can be a thrilling rollercoaster ride, but let's face it, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Below we’ll explore the ten most common obstacles you may encounter while penning your magnum opus, and some expert tips to help you sail through them like the seasoned pro you are.

This is the one-year anniversary of publishing my memoir, Relentless and let me tell you, it was incredibly hard and rewarding work and it’s changed my life! Mostly for the better.

1. Baring It All: Emotional Vulnerability

Memoirs are about getting up close and personal, but exposing your emotional underbelly might seem as appealing as a root canal. Set boundaries, seek support from trusted confidants, and remember that your vulnerability might just be the secret sauce that makes your memoir unforgettable. It was for mine.

2. Jogging the Ol' Memory Bank: Accuracy

Reconstructing your rise to the top with precision can be a tall order. Dig out those old photos, emails, or journal entries, and chat with partners-in-crime who shared your journey. Embrace the limits of your memory and don't be shy to admit uncertainty – nobody's perfect, after all. I had some very tough conversations and teary-eyed moments reading past journals. Get in there and dig up the nuggets of gold.

3. Weaving Your Tale: Structure and Narrative

Constructing a riveting narrative can be as challenging as building your empire. Focus on the game-changing events and themes, and don't be afraid to play with structure. Remember, feedback is your friend – let beta readers or writing groups help you polish your storytelling gem. Joining the MemoirSherpa program might be a great way to get yourself going!

4. Treading Lightly: Legal and Ethical Concerns

Writing about real people and events can feel like walking a tightrope. Consult a legal eagle if necessary, and consider using pseudonyms or tweaking details to protect privacy. Your memoir should be a page-turner, not a courtroom drama. I changed quite a few names in mine. And left some of the more litigiously-minded out completely.

5. The Time-Management Tango: Commitment

As a high achiever, you're no stranger to juggling commitments. Set realistic goals, create a writing schedule, and break your project into bite-sized tasks. You didn't build your empire in a day, and your memoir won't write itself overnight either. I created a signature system for making writing your memoir as simple as possible. Want to know more?

6. The Voice of a Maverick: Unique Perspective

A memorable memoir requires a distinctive voice, and you've got one! Experiment with writing styles, draw inspiration from other memoirists and stay true to your authentic self. After all, you didn't become a trailblazer by following the pack.

7. Landing a Publisher: The Next Great Adventure

Finding a publisher can feel like scaling Everest. Craft an irresistible book proposal, research agents and publishers, and network like the boss you are. If traditional publishing proves elusive, remember that self-publishing is the new black. And being traditionally published has a LOT of drawbacks these days.

8. Shouting from the Rooftops: Marketing and Promotion

You've conquered your industry, and now it's time to conquer the world of books. Harness the power of social media, book signings, and interviews to create buzz around your memoir. Your target audience is out there waiting – go get 'em! I had a 20+ point marketing plan that nearly killed me but got me on the US Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling lists!

9. Show Me the Money: Financial Considerations

Writing and publishing a memoir can be as budget-conscious as a luxury sports car. Plan for editing, design, and marketing expenses, and if you're self-publishing, factor in printing and distribution costs. Explore grants, crowdfunding, or freelance gigs to keep your literary dreams afloat. I can brainstorm best practices with you if you need.

10. The Art of Not Taking It Personally: Dealing with Criticism

As a public figure, you're no stranger to scrutiny, but criticism of your memoir can still sting. Embrace constructive feedback, and remember that not everyone will be your memoir's number one fan. Focus on the impact of your story. And I can show you how to use the critics’ feedback to your benefit… it’s fun!

I truly believe we need to hear the stories of successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and people that are killing it! Both the low and high inflection points.

Let’s do this!


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